What is the difference between NOL and AMT NOL?
August 9, 2004
Subject: AMT NOL
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 2004
From: John
I read a couple of articles of yours on AMT at Stockoptionadvisors.com. Do you have a good AMT NOL worksheet or something that spells out what the difference between NOL and AMT NOL is?
John, CPA
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004
Hello John,
Sorry, I don’t have such a spreadsheet. You compute AMT NOL like regular tax NOL, except items that don’t apply for AMT will be excluded and items that apply for AMT will be added. For example, income will be added for an ISO exercise. Deductions for taxes, miscellaneous itemized deductions, the standard deduction and personal exemption allowances are eliminated for AMT. With these modifications, you can use the regular NOL worksheet. (Some tax return preparation software generates an AMT NOL schedule.) Remember the NOL deduction is limited for AMT; see Form 6251.
Good luck!
Mike Gray