What is a good reference for job hunters on stock options?

October 16, 2000

Subject:   ISO and Non-ISO for Job Hunters
Date:   Sat, 23 Sep 2000
From:   Stephen

Mr. Gray,

Could you recommend a good reference for job hunters on options and their importance? What are the tax issues? What are the differences between ISO and Non-ISO? I am looking for a new job in the photonics field and stock options are a standard part of the package. But, I don’t think I understand enough about them to accurately evaluate job offers.

Thank you,


Date:   11 Oct 2000

Hello Stephen,

Sorry, but I don’t have a reference specifically for the job hunter.

There are a couple of books on Employee Stock Options on the market, including two I authored authored, but they don’t focus on this issue.

To become more familiar with the rules, you might read those books. We have free reports on incentive stock options and non-qualified stock options available on our web site and a wealth of FAQs: Tax FAQ, ISO FAQ, and NQSO FAQ.

Good luck!

Mike Gray

For more information about incentive stock options, request our free report, Incentive Stock Options – Executive Tax and Financial Planning Strategies.

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