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Will you owe a tax for exercising an Employee Stock Option
when you have received no cash income to pay it?

Thank you for requesting a copy our free report.

If you have any specific questions about stock options not covered in the report, please visit our Incentive Stock Option Frequently Asked Questions Page or Non-Qualified Stock Option Frequently Asked Questions Page.

As you will see in the article, this is a highly complex area of the tax law. In many cases, your decisions can result in a significant, unexpected financial hardship. You could owe a tax when you have received no cash income to pay it!

Using up-to-date software, we can project the results for your alternatives so you will be prepared for them, and make the best decisions for your situation.

When you have incentive stock options representing a large stock value, getting sound professional advice is a good investment for your peace of mind. With professional help you will be able to in make well-informed decisions and know the consequences of those decisions.

Please call Thi Nguyen, today, at (408) 286-7400 x206 for an appointment to discuss your situation. For new clients, she will waive the fee for the first half hour of your consultation. (A $225 value!) You must agree the information we provide to you is valuable, or we will waive your fee entirely! This offer expires in two weeks.

We are looking forward to serving you!

Michael Gray's signature

Michael C. Gray

P.S. For the peace of mind of making informed decisions in the “minefield” of tax traps for employee stock options, call (408) 286-7400 x206 today for an appointment to discuss your situation. For new clients, we will waive the fee for the first half hour of your consultation. This offer expires in two weeks!

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